Saturday, September 14, 2013

Christopher D. Osborn (attorney profile)

Christopher D. Osborn Attorney Profile 

Christopher David Osborn a/k/a Chris Osborn used to be associated with ZWICKER & ASSOCIATES and was attorney of record in hundreds if not thousands of cases. His association with ZWICKER ended in Spring 2012, and he was replaced by Attorney Joseph M. O’Bell.  

Osborn went solo and practices as Osborn Law Firm, P.C. in Georgetown, Taylor, and surrounding counties, with a much broader scope in terms of type of legal matters handled than was the case during his tenure with ZWICKER.  
Osborn was licensed by the Texas Supreme Court in November 2002. His law degree is from Tulane University, from which he graduated in May 2002 with the Doctor Juris degree necessary for a career as a lawyer. He is also admitted to practice in the four federal District Courts in Texas. According to his State Bar profile (certified  6/5/2013), Osborn does not have a public disciplinary history. Osborn’s State Bar of Texas card number is 24037221.  

Notable opposing party 

In 2009 Christopher D. Osborn was the attorney of record for American Express Centurion Bank in a lawsuit against John Devine in Montgomery County. District Court Judge Fred Edwards granted his motion for final summary judgment, but the attorney's fee component was later reversed by the Ninth Court of Appeals in Beaumont. Devine complained about the cursory nature of Osborn's run-of-the mill fee affidavit and had filed his own counter-affidavit based on expertise on the matter of attorney's fees as a Texas lawyer (but without mentioning that he had been a Harris County district judge). Edwards got de-selected when voters rejected his bid for reelection in the primary, while Devine went on to beat Texas Supreme Court incumbent Medina in the Republican primary and now sits on that court after an easy win in the general election without a Democratic opponent. Edwards has since gone into ADR (special judge, arbitrator, mediator) while Medina joined  Brent Coon & Associates in Houston, right across from the Old Harris County Courthouse. At least he does not have to commute to Austin any more, and, on authority of Chief Jefferson, private law practice is more lucrative in any event, at least after a stint on the state's highest civil court. 

11/24/2014 UPDATE: Judge Edwards is deceased per Texas Bar Journal "memorials" (obit) section.


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